Research and development projects subsidized by public funds:
- Two grants received in 2009 and 2011 from Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (Operational Programme Inovative Economy 1.4-4.1) for development of subsequent innovative AirSync versions: Autonomic AirSync and Grid AirSync;
- In 2009-2011, realization of the EU-Mesh project as part of the 7th Framework Programme in collaboration with 9 universities, research institutes and European companies;
- A grant for 2011-2013 received from the National Centre for Research and Development as part of EUREKA programme for an Smart Radiolink project with a Slovenian partner;
- A grant for 2013-2014 received from the National Centre for Research and Development (Innotech programme) for the realization of the EAST project dedicated for development of innovative AirSync management system, dedicated for a multimillion device network.