Wireless Provisioning & Management Software



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AirSyncTM Enterprise Wireless Manager (EWM)

Proximetry's flagship product, AirSync EWM, is a wireless network management system that fully integrates provisioning, device management and resource management. The provisioning system allows users to create a set of service levels and rules that apply these to users and applications. This provides an intelligent, rules-driven foundation which device management and resource management modules leverage to provide higher throughput and predictable service levels. With this foundation, the system manipulates and manages users, accounts, applications, application rules, and devices within a context and priority based environment. The AirSync system also has the ability to interface with external applications via "bolt-on" interfaces for enhanced functionality and integration with existing infrastructure. Additionally, optional billing, ticketing and reporting tools are available as an integrated package to provide a complete provisioning package when no 3rd party tools exist. The EWM system is designed to integrate with leading 3rd party technology partners for security, billing, directory and visualization tools.

AirSync EWM is comprised of three elements as detailed below:

AirSync Provisioning System
The Provisioning System defines the rules through which applications and their associated service levels and priorities are associated with groups of users, devices and applications by creating roles. Depending on the business process requirements service levels can be associated with companies, departments, individual employees, devices, applications residing on devices or a combination thereof.

AirSync Resource Manager
Resource Manager is the "keystone" of the AirSync product. It is the rules engine that monitors network conditions and invokes the service level rules established in EWM provisioning to dynamically configure managed devices in real-time. This control includes traffic shaping and radio parameters on both network devices such as access points and the devices using the network. The Resource Manager constantly monitors the network anticipating the need to change network configurations to ensure the service levels mandated by the Provisioning System.

AirSync Device Manager
The Device Manager provides the ability to manage the image and configuration of supported devices - both network devices and mobile client devices are supported by AirSync EWM. Its role is the maintenance of image stability, including patches, updates and network rules, as well as the ability to change device parameters on the fly as dictated by the Resource Manager. The ability to communicate with both IP and MAC layers adds depth to the AirSync solution and can offer increases in both efficiency and flexibility to the network.

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